Piece of France

This is by far the hardest print ever done on my UM(Ultimaker), and it turned out, I think, fine. I guess it's a relatively new thing on Thingiverse, and a few people have claimed they have printed it.

I had to leave home for a break so not really sure how long it took for the bottom part, but I'm guessing overall print time should have been about 25 to 30 hrs. Pinnacle part had to be printed separately(and slowly) due to its intricacy.

초고난이도 에펠탑을 이번 휴가를 틈타 프린트. 집을 한동안 떠나 있어야 해서 돌려놓고 나갔는데(급하게 나가느라 에어콘도 켜놓고-_-) 전체 프린트 시간이 대략 25에서 30시간정도 된 듯 하다. 첨탑부분은 모델의 섬세함 때문에 아주 천천히 프린트 해야 했다.
