Photos from Fab 9 Japan conference at Yokohama

I've been attending Fab 9 Japan conference from last Tuesday, with the only other Korean participant.

전 세계의 팹랩들이 1년에 한 번 모이는 컨퍼런스에 한국인으로는 유이(2)하게 참가했다. 인터내셔널 네트워크에 한국인들도 좀 더 참여할 수는 없는가? 다들 어째 우물안 개구리 같은게 좀 그렇다.

아래는 그간의 사진들.

[caption id="attachment_754" align="alignleft" width="950"]Kenny from MIT giving lecture on structures and joints Kenny from MIT giving lecture on structures and joints[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_753" align="alignleft" width="950"]Revisited : Yokohama International Ferry Terminal by FOA Revisited : Yokohama International Ferry Terminal by FOA[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_752" align="alignleft" width="950"]Fab Lab Kannai (Yokohama) Fab Lab Kannai (Yokohama)[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_751" align="alignleft" width="950"]Provided lunch Provided lunch[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_750" align="alignleft" width="950"]Stratasys Uprint printing my cowbell Stratasys Uprint printing my cowbell[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_749" align="alignleft" width="320"]3D scan of a grapefruit by a crafty Japanese girl 3D scan of a grapefruit by a crafty Japanese girl[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_748" align="alignleft" width="950"]Fab Labs around the world Fab Labs around the world[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_747" align="alignleft" width="950"]Building structure with just 1 piece of paper Building structure with just 1 piece of paper[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_746" align="alignleft" width="950"]Mammoth sculpture Mammoth sculpture[/caption]
