그동안 작업하던 몇 작품들이 지난 6월 5일부터 국립현대미술관 과천관 제3전시실(디자인상설전시관)에서 "사물학" 타이틀로 진행되고 있습니다. 알고리드믹 모델링을 통한 조형과 3d 프린터를 비로한 디지털 제조장비를 이용하여 직접 제작한 작품과 제품들이 2015년 1월초까지 8개월간 전시됩니다.
Pieces I have been working on for the last several months, if not years, are being exhibited at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Korea from 5th of June till the January of 2015. Works exhibited are mostly made with Grasshopper for Rhino, and fabricated with custom built large format delta 3d printer. Interactive vase designer is also made with Grasshopper and the interface is made with TOUCHosc.

공식 전시 소개는 이곳에서...
Pieces I have been working on for the last several months, if not years, are being exhibited at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Korea from 5th of June till the January of 2015. Works exhibited are mostly made with Grasshopper for Rhino, and fabricated with custom built large format delta 3d printer. Interactive vase designer is also made with Grasshopper and the interface is made with TOUCHosc.
공식 전시 소개는 이곳에서...
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